
Still going...

The photo on the left was May 14, 2020 - the photo on the right was June 15th... Starting to read Codependednt No More was a SERIOUS turning point and helped me get re-engaged for my fitness journey.

18 June: Sprouts

June 18 Sprouts: Woke up with my 5:15am alarm Invited 4 family members to do yoga (a different 2 accepted) Did Yoga this morning. Sent meal plan to my health coach this morning  Walked for 30 mins before breakfast Witnessed a zucchini and eggplant growing in our garden! Ate half the popcorn than we typically consume on date night (Our family organized a escape room date in our bedroom, complete with locking us in and everything!) Recorded and posted an encouraging message in another group I'm in... Made breakfast for my Honey Ate breakfast with my husband sitting at the kitchen table! (this is HUGE, he usually sits in bed) Praised and Encouraged my husband as he has been cleaning out and organizing his garage space this week (It was SO packed, you could barely walk around the car that is stored in there, now the floor is clear and you can see where you are going!!)  #EncourageAndRelease Signed 1 new client

17 June: Sprouts

June 17 Sprouts: Woke up with my 5am alarm Invited my family to morning Yoga, in honor (2 people chose to join me) Morning walk with my twin Verbal processing the call last night while sharing my take-aways Morning breakfast "on plan" Practiced a push-up (getting closer!) Learning to take a moment to process someone else's response to me when it is not what I expect, and clearly sharing my expectations, w/ honor Read a section of CNM to my husband, about expectations last night, and confirmed his understanding, with honor and respect This journey is SO worth the effort! This time will pass and we can choose to stay engaged and growing or "Veg-out" and rot... I'm blossoming! We have less than  8 hours of videos in the homework these next 2 weeks , what would happen if you finished them in 1 week? and listened again during the second week? "Repetition is the Mother of skill right?"

Our Whole30 experience.... so far

On July 29th, we, as a family (80% of us) started to follow the Whole30 plan. What is that? Well, here are a few descriptions: Wikipedia: The Whole30 is a 30-day fad diet that emphasizes whole foods and the elimination of sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, soy, and dairy. Although lots of people use Whole30 as a nutritional reset, Hartwig says it’s actually a lot more than that. The program requires you to remove things from your diet that are commonly linked with  food sensitivities ,  cravings ,  disrupted hormones ,  poor sleep , and a host of other issues. “The Whole30 is a 30-day experiment designed to teach you how the foods you’ve been eating are impacting how you feel, how you look, and your quality of life,” Hartwig says. (Author of the book) Whole30  is a program designed to include more whole foods into your diet. The plan lasts for 30 days, and after it's completed, its creators advise slowly introducing el

Faith in the Process & Butt kickings from friends

On July 23rd, I had a physical... I hadn't had one in a LONG time, just didn't see the need. I am overall healthy, I don't have any aches or pains (that I fully acknowledge) that keep me from doing most of the things I want to do... for the most part. My fasting blood work reflected what I have long believed, "I am the healthiest 'BIG' girl there is!" Blood glucose shows no signs of Diabetes or High Cholesterol. Blood pressure what not even mentioned when we chatted. The ONLY red flag is my 366 lb size... the ONLY one. That's the good news and the bad news... After the appointment, I reflected on my overall health. I do have a few aches, nothing major... just a little challenging to turn over in the bed sometimes... a few aches in my back sometimes... What if, I could have more energy... what if I could NOT have those aches, what IF I could sleep better?!? I made and appointment to see a nutritionist, Aug 14th... what am I going to do unt

Week 3 - Grace for the Race

Where did the last 7 days go? Have you ever had a week that went by and it was a blink?!? Sometimes we have to schedule a time to review & reflect on what is going on and adjust our course. The only way to reach a goal is to become the person that takes action in the areas of your life that brings about the outcome that would result in the goals that we seek to obtain. What does that mean... Go To Work... As a leader, I am challenged by the excuses of other people. When you are committed, you make a way. I am equally challenged by my own excuses. I've time-blocked a time each week to post an update on this journey. Last week, the time came and went as I was putting out a real estate fire. We were able to move the ball forward and didn't take a few minute to write an update. Here we are, almost another week later and 2 days away from the week 4 update. For week 3, I didn't step on the scale, my friend recommended not stepping on the scale frequently. I will

Week 2 - What's the Process?

So we've been doing a lot of back and forth in the thought process of this journey. What I can say right now is... what I have been doing isn't getting the results I want. Period So... with all things there is an opportunity to reflect and readjust what I'm doing to get to a point that I am seeing the result I want. After all, this is MY journey, my health, my choice. I've got a friend named Amy Dudley, she and I met at a personal development conference in 2017. Something about her really resonated with me when I met her. For one reason or another, we never seemed to get a chance to just sit and chat. I was able to spend a little time with her when we went to Israel in 2018 and at the same time, I feel like in the past year, we have gotten to know each other better through using Marco Polo video messaging. We share whatever is on our heart and encourage one another in our messages. Well, I trust I am encouraging to her... she is SUPER SUPPORTIVE & ENCOURAGI